Making a Bigger Impact for Independent Contractors

When I was working at a large accounting firm, I had the opportunity to work with a diverse range of clients—from companies generating millions in revenue each month to side hustlers just starting out. The firm’s partners pushed me to focus on the big clients, the ones bringing in the most money. Of course! That was what was in the best interest of the firm.


But to me, this approach always felt backward.

Here’s why: If I saved a million-dollar client $1,000 in taxes, it barely made a dent in their overall finances. They probably wouldn’t even notice. But if I saved a side hustler or freelancer that same $1,000, it could be a game-changer. That $1,000 might be the difference between stress and security, between putting money aside for future growth or just getting by. I realized that the impact I could make with these smaller clients was far more significant than anything I could achieve with large corporations.


Another key issue I noticed was that independent contractors were often paying unnecessarily high taxes simply because they weren’t aware of the many tax planning options available to them. Unlike W2 employees, 1099 workers are much more responsible for their own financial fate, yet very few receive the guidance they need to navigate this new financial landscape. Nobody sits down with them when they start a 1099 job to explain what this means for their finances—how to plan for taxes, what deductions they can take, or even how to set aside money for retirement.


This lack of education and guidance was leaving many independent workers overwhelmed and overtaxed. I wanted to bridge that education gap, to be the resource that independent contractors could turn to for personalized advice and effective tax planning strategies.


That realization was the spark that led me to start The 1099 CPA. I wanted to create a firm that was dedicated to the needs of independent contractors, freelancers, and gig workers—the people who are working hard to build something for themselves but often don’t have access to the same level of financial advice and support as larger businesses.


At The 1099 CPA, our mission is simple: to give the average person who might be overlooked by other accounting firms access to high-quality accounting services that would have previously only been available to the wealthy. We understand that every dollar counts, and we’re here to help independent workers maximize their tax savings and keep more of their hard-earned money. It’s about more than just crunching numbers; it’s about empowering our clients to achieve financial success and stability.


In a world where the focus is often on the big players, I chose to start The 1099 CPA because I believe in the power of the little guy. I believe that with the right support, independent contractors can thrive—and that’s where we come in.


Learn more about our services and pricing or schedule a free discovery call now!

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